Coaching is for those who want to move forward with something, create a plan of action or gain more clarity about a situation. We’ll discuss your goals and what you want to achieve at the beginning of each session. I support clients globally.


Everyone should be able to benefit from coaching. Each month I see two pro bono clients. If you’re from a lower income household and you’d like to work together, contact me. Prices for 1 hour, or a 45 minute session will depend on your income.

I support individuals with health issues, infertility, chronic illness, involuntary childlessness. Focus areas include: General ill health / childless by circumstance or infertility / IVF/ trying to conceive / Next steps when TTC or IVF doesn’t work – Transitioning to a permanently childless life – A path to healing – Managing life with chronic illness and/or anxiety.

I support my clients to work on their professional and/or personal growth (as they often intertwine). This can include: career change (or next steps) when you’re not going to be a parent, managing work with chronic illness or general ill health, overcoming obstacles at work, work-life balance and promotion. Focus areas include, imposter syndrome, self-belief/self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness.

Prices start from: £70 for a 45 minute session, £100 for a one hour session. Discounted rate on multiple sessions purchased.

The 20 minute call is absolutely free and you’re under no obligation to book. All sessions are conducted online.

discovery call

Let’s talk. In the 20 minute call, we’ll discuss your goals, how we’ll work together and what you want to achieve during your sessions. Please note: A person’s information is never given to a third party.